Jimmy's vendetta download
Jimmy's vendetta download

As Jimmy, you'll drive around Empire Bay doing odd jobs for powerful people. Ultimately, that's the meat of Jimmy's Vendetta: random missions. Save for a few cutscenes and some brief text-based briefings, there's hardly any context for all the random missions. Jimmy's Vendetta has almost no narrative driving the action. If you played Mafia II, what did the game get right above everything else? If you think 2K Czech's story is the star, I agree. Not for Jimmy, but for the gameplay in general. Once you get out, however, things take a major turn for the worse. The opening mission leaves a great first impression it's a good old-fashioned brawl-a-thon. When a riot breaks out, Jimmy sees an opportunity to escape. The only thing that keeps him going is his plans for vengeance. This episode opens with the titular cleaner rotting away in a jail cell, having been cruelly sold out by his mob bosses. Double-click tables.sds and replace it (or make a backup first before replacing).Mafia II: Jimmy's Vendetta kicks off fifteen years after the ending of the PlayStation 3 exclusive downloadable episode The Betrayal of Jimmy.When all files are saved, switch back to the archive and click Save Archive.


Other cameras (cover system, melee, etc.) have their own file as well.

  • The FOV for the various driving views can be changed in the carCameraBumper, carCameraGamepad (chase cam), carCameraHood, and carCameraWheel files, by editing the same parameters.
  • Click Save, and switch back to the archive via the Windows menu at the top.
  • Don't miss the ones under the section also.
  • Change the values of those parameters (most are set at 65 or 75) to your desired FOV for that camera.
  • It contains various camera views (, ,, etc.), each having their own parameter listed under their name.
  • jimmy

  • Click the + beside XML, scroll down to /config/gameCamera/playerCamera and double-click on it.
  • Download Illusion Engine Gibbed Tools and extract it somewhere.

  • Jimmy's vendetta download